Plugin Spika

Automatic filling of WordPress sites with pictures and images

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Have you created a website with 1000 articles, but all of them without pictures inside? The Spika plugin will fill them in 100% automatic mode by taking images from Google. No additional settings: the subject of the images will be selected based on the titles of the articles. Spika is a plugin for adding images to the pages of a WordPress site
The Spika plugin is designed for automatic filling of websites

Minimum requirements: WordPress 5.0, PHP 8.0, Apache Sold only on this website

Spika is a premium plugin for automatic filling

Spika plugin: how it works and why it is needed

Let's say you have a website with extensive content, including several hundred articles. To automatically add images to each page, you just need to follow a few simple steps using the Spika plugin. This plugin goes through all the pages of your site, based on the page names, and automatically makes a request to Google Image to download the corresponding images. The placement of these images in articles can be customized at your discretion: for example, after each paragraph or every 2000 characters. All these parameters support individual configuration via the plugin management interface. Automatic image uploading can save site owners time by freeing them from having to manually select and add images. This can be especially useful for sites where a large amount of content is regularly updated.
The site fills itself with the help of the Spika plugin


Images play a key role in attracting the attention of visitors. Visual content has a strong impact and is able to distinguish a site from many others. This is especially valuable in the context of modern information overload, where competition for user attention remains high.

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Images make a significant contribution to improving the user experience. They make the content more understandable, interesting and pleasant to read. High-quality images placed strategically in articles or on site pages can enhance the visual impact, which affects the overall satisfaction of visitors.

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Brand formation

An important aspect is also the formation of a brand through visual elements. Consistent and relevant images can be an important tool for conveying the key features of a brand, its style and values, which contributes to strengthening and brand awareness among the audience.

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SEO search engine optimization

In addition, in the context of search engine optimization (SEO), the use of images also provides valuable advantages. Optimized images with the right meta tags and descriptions can increase the site's visibility in search results, attracting more organic traffic.

The difference Free and PRO versions

Free version

  • Adds an image to any number of pages on the site
  • The choice of white or black is the predominant color
  • The image format is PNG only
  • Image type – photos and linear
  • Small image size

Download the Spika plugin

Automatic filling of WordPress sites with pictures and images

Automatic image uploading can save site owners time by freeing them from having to manually select and add images. This can be especially useful for sites where a large amount of content is regularly updated.

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